Manage devices, device groups, and authgroups in your NSO deployment.
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Manage devices, device groups, and authgroups in your NSO deployment.
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The Devices view provides options to manage devices, device groups, and authgroups in the NSO network.
The Device management view lists the devices in the network and provides options to manage them.
You can search for a device by its name, IP address, or other parameters. Narrow down the results by using the Select device group filter.
To add a new device to NSO:
Click the Add device button.
In the Add device pop-up, specify the device name.
Click Add.
Configure the specifics of the device in the Configuration editor.
Review and commit the changes in the Commit manager when done.
Actions can be applied on a device from the Device management view or the Configuration editor -> Actions tab.
An action can be applied to a single or multiple devices at once.
Select the device(s) from the list using the checkbox.
Using the Choose actions button, select the desired action. The result of the action is returned momentarily.
Actions Possible in the Device Management View
Available actions include Connect, Ping, Sync from, Sync to, Check sync, Compare config, Fetch ssh host keys, and Apply template, and. See Lifecycle Operations for the details of these actions.
To edit the device configuration of an existing device:
In the Devices view, click the desired device from the list.
In the Configuration editor, click the Edit config tab.
Make the desired changes.
(Press Enter to save the changes. An uncommitted change in a field's value is marked by a green color, and is referred to as a 'dirty state').
Review and commit the change in the Commit manager.
The other two tabs, i.e., Config and Operdata can be respectively used to:
View the device configuration, and,
View the device's operational data.
The Device groups view lists all the available groups and devices belonging to them. You can add new device groups in this view as well as carry out actions on devices belonging to a group.
Device groups allow for the grouping and collective management of devices.
Click Add device group.
In the Create device group pop-up, specify the group name.
If you want to place the new device group under a parent group, select the Place under parent device group option and specify the parent group.
Click Create. You will be redirected to the group's details page. Here, the following panes are available:
Details: Displays basic details of the group, i.e., its name and parent/subgroup information. To link a sub-group, use the Connect sub device group option.
Devices in this group: Displays currently added devices in the group and provides the option to remove them from the group.
Add devices: Displays all available NSO devices and provides the option to add them to the group.
In the Add devices pane, select the device(s) that you want to add to the new group and click Add to device group. The added devices become visible under the Devices in this group pane.
Finally, click Create device group.
Click the desired device group to access the group's detail page.
In the Devices in this group pane, select the device(s) to be removed from the group.
Click Remove from device group. The devices are removed immediately (without a Commit Manager review).
Click Save device group.
Device group actions let you perform an action on all the devices belonging to a group.
Select the desired device group from the list. It is possible to select multiple groups at once.
Choose the desired action from the Choose actions button.
Actions Possible in the Device Groups View
The available group actions are the same as in the section called Apply an Action on a Device (e.g., Connect, Sync from, Sync to, etc.) and are described in Lifecycle Operations.
The Authgroups view displays device authentication groups and provides ways to manage them. Concepts and settings involved in the authentication groups setup are discussed in NSO Device Management.
This view is further partitioned into the following two tabs for different device types:
The Group tab
The SNMP Group tab
The Group tab is used to view, search, and manage device authentication groups for CLI and NETCONF-managed devices.
To create a new group:
Click the Add authgroup button.
Enter the Authgroup name and click Continue.
In the group details page, add users to the newly created group:
If a default map is desired for unknown/unmapped users, use the Set default-map option.
Click the Add user button to bring up the Add user overlay window. Here, you have the option to add the user with the authentication type set to 'remote mapping' or 'callback':
Remote mapping: If remote mapping is desired, specify the local-user that is to be mapped to remote authentication credentials and configure the following settings:
remote-user: Choose between same-user or remote-name options.
remote-auth: Choose between same-pass, remote-password, or public-key options.
remote-secondary-auth (optional): Choose between same-secondary-password or remote-secondary-password options.
Callback: If a callback type authentication is desired to retrieve login credentials, specify the local-user, set the Use callback flag, and configure the following settings:
Click Add. This adds the newly created user to the group and displays it in the list.
4. Click Create authgroup to save and finish creating the group.
To view/edit details of a group:
Click the group name to access the group details page.
Make the desired changes, such as adding/removing a user from the group, editing existing user settings, or configuring general group settings.
Click the Save authgroup button to save and apply the changes.
To delete a group:
Proceed with caution as the changes are applied immediately.
Select the desired group using the checkbox.
Click Delete.
Confirm the intent by pressing Delete in the pop-up.
The SNMP Group tab is used to view, search, and manage device authentication groups for SNMP-managed devices.
To add a new group:
Click the Add SNMP group button.
Enter the SNMP group name and click Continue.
In the group details page, add users to the newly created group:
If a default map is desired for unknown/unmapped users, use the Set default-map option.
Click the Add user button to bring up the Add user overlay window.
Specify the local-user and configure the following settings:
community (optional): Choose between community-name or community-binary-name.
remote-user: Choose between same-user or remote-name options.
security-level: Choose between no-auth-no-priv, auth-no-priv, or auth-priv options. Depending on the security-level selection, specify further the required SNMP authentication and privacy parameters, which include the authentication/privacy protocol, key type, and remote password.
Click Add. This adds the newly created user to the group and displays it in the list.
4. Click Create SNMP group to save and finish creating the group.
To view/edit details of a group:
Click the group name to access the group details page.
Make the desired changes, such as adding/removing a user from the group, editing existing user settings, or configuring general group settings.
Click the Save SNMP group button to save and apply the changes.
To delete a group:
Proceed with caution as the changes are applied immediately.
Select the desired group using the checkbox.
Click Delete.
Confirm the intent by pressing Delete in the pop-up.
In the Device management view, you can also apply actions on a device using the more options button.
The Modify in Config Editor and Delete are GUI-specific operations accessible by clicking the more options button on the device row.
To fetch information about an action in the Configuration editor -> Actions tab, click the info icon.
In the Device groups view, you can also apply actions on a device group using the more options button.
The Modify in Config editor option is accessible by clicking the more options button on a device group.