Run your Java code using Java Virtual Machine (VM).
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Run your Java code using Java Virtual Machine (VM).
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The NSO Java VM is the execution container for all Java classes supplied by deployed NSO packages.
The classes, and other resources, are structured in jar
files and the specific use of these classes is described in the component
tag in the respective package-meta-data.xml
file. Also as a framework, it starts and controls other utilities for the use of these components. To accomplish this, a main class com.tailf.ncs.NcsMain
, implementing the Runnable
interface is started as a thread. This thread can be the main thread (running in a java main()
) or be embedded into another Java program.
When the NcsMain
thread starts it establishes a socket connection towards NSO. This is called the NSO Java VM control socket. It is the responsibility of NcsMain
to respond to command requests from NSO and pass these commands as events to the underlying finite state machine (FSM). The NcsMain
FSM will execute all actions as requested by NSO. This includes class loading and instantiation as well as registration and start of services, NEDs, etc.
When NSO detects the control socket connection from the NSO Java VM, it starts an initialization process:
First, NSO sends a INIT_JVM
request to the NSO Java VM. At this point, the NSO Java VM will load schemas i.e. retrieve all known YANG module definitions. The NSO Java VM responds when all modules are loaded.
request for each deployed NSO package. This request contains the URLs for the jars situated in the shared-jar
directory in the respective NSO package. The classes and resources in these jars will be globally accessible for all deployed NSO packages.
The next step is to send a LOAD_PACKAGE
request for each deployed NSO package. This request contains the URLs for the jars situated in the private-jar
directory in the respective NSO package. These classes and resources will be private to the respective NSO package. In addition, classes that are referenced in a component
tag in the respective NSO package package-meta-data.xml
file will be instantiated.
request for each component in each deployed NSO package. At this point, the NSO Java VM will register a start method for the respective component. NSO will send these requests in a proper start phase order. This implies that the INSTANTIATE_COMPONENT
requests can be sent in an order that mixes components from different NSO packages.
Lastly, NSO sends a DONE_LOADING
request which indicates that the initialization process is finished. After this, the NSO Java VM is up and running.
See Debugging Startup for tips on customizing startup behavior and debugging problems when the Java VM fails to start
The file tailf-ncs-java-vm.yang
defines the java-vm
container which, along with ncs.conf
, is the entry point for controlling the NSO Java VM functionality. Study the content of the YANG model in the example below (The Java VM YANG model). For a full explanation of all the configuration data, look at the YANG file and man ncs.conf
Many of the nodes beneath java-vm
are by default invisible due to a hidden attribute. To make everything under java-vm
visible in the CLI, two steps are required:
First, the following XML snippet must be added to ncs.conf
Next, the unhide
command may be used in the CLI session:
Each NSO package will have a specific java classloader instance that loads its private jar classes. These package classloaders will refer to a single shared classloader instance as its parent. The shared classloader will load all shared jar classes for all deployed NSO packages.
The jar
's in the shared-jar
and private-jar
directories should NOT be part of the Java classpath.
The purpose of this is first to keep integrity between packages which should not have access to each other's classes, other than the ones that are contained in the shared jars. Secondly, this way it is possible to hot redeploy the private jars and classes of a specific package while keeping other packages in a run state.
Should this class loading scheme not be desired, it is possible to suppress it by starting the NSO Java VM with the system property TAILF_CLASSLOADER
set to false.
This will force NSO Java VM to use the standard Java system classloader. For this to work, all jar
's from all deployed NSO packages need to be part of the classpath. The drawback of this is that all classes will be globally accessible and hot redeploy will have no effect.
There are four types of components that the NSO Java VM can handle:
The ned
type. The NSO Java VM will handle NEDs of sub-type cli
and generic
which are the ones that have a Java implementation.
The callback
type. These are any forms of callbacks that are defined by the DP API.
The application
type. These are user-defined daemons that implement a specific ApplicationComponent
Java interface.
The upgrade
type. This component type is activated when deploying a new version of a NSO package and the NSO automatic CDB data upgrade is not sufficient. See Writing an Upgrade Package Component for more information.
In some situations, several NSO packages are expected to use the same code base, e.g. when third-party libraries are used or the code is structured with some common parts. Instead of duplicate jars in several NSO packages, it is possible to create a new NSO package, add these jars to the shared-jar
directory, and let the package-meta-data.xml
file contains no component definitions at all. The NSO Java VM will load these shared jars and these will be accessible from all other NSO packages.
Inside the NSO Java VM, each component type has a specific Component Manager. The responsibility of these Managers is to manage a set of component classes for each NSO package. The Component Manager acts as an FSM that controls when a component should be registered, started, stopped, etc.
For instance, the DpMuxManager
controls all callback implementations (services, actions, data providers, etc). It can load, register, start, and stop such callback implementations.
NEDs can be of type netconf
, snmp
, cli
, or generic
. Only the cli
and generic
types are relevant for the NSO Java VM because these are the ones that have a Java implementation. Normally these NED components come in self-contained and prefabricated NSO packages for some equipment or class of equipment. It is however possible to tailor make NEDs for any protocol. For more information on this see Network Element Drivers (NEDs) and Writing a data model for a CLI NED in NED Development
Callbacks are the collective name for a number of different functions that can be implemented in Java. One of the most important is the service callbacks, but also actions, transaction control, and data provision callbacks are in common use in an NSO implementation. For more on how to program callback using the DP API, see DP API.
For programs that are none of the above types but still need to access NSO as a daemon process, it is possible to use the ApplicationComponent
Java interface. The ApplicationComponent
interface expects the implementing classes to implement a init()
, finish()
and a run()
The NSO Java VM will start each class in a separate thread. The init()
is called before the thread is started. The run()
runs in a thread similar to the run()
method in the standard Java Runnable
interface. The finish()
method is called when the NSO Java VM wants the application thread to stop. It is the responsibility of the programmer to stop the application thread i.e., stop the execution in the run()
method when finish()
is called. Note, that making the thread stop when finish()
is called is important so that the NSO Java VM will not be hanging at a STOP_VM
An example of an application component implementation is found in SNMP Notification Receiver.
User Implementations typically need resources like Maapi, Maapi Transaction, Cdb, Cdb Session, etc. to fulfill their tasks. These resources can be instantiated and used directly in the user code. This implies that the user code needs to handle connection and close of additional sockets used by these resources. There is however another recommended alternative, and that is to use the Resource manager. The Resource manager is capable of injecting these resources into the user code. The principle is that the programmer will annotate the field that should refer to the resource rather than instantiate it.
This way the NSO Java VM and the Resource manager can keep control over used resources and also can intervene e.g. close sockets at forced shutdowns.
The Resource manager can handle two types of resources: MAAPI
and CDB
For both the Maapi and Cdb resource types a socket connection is opened towards NSO by the Resource manager. At a stop, the Resource manager will disconnect these sockets before ending the program. User programs can also tell the resource manager when its resources are no longer needed with a call to ResourceManager.unregisterResources()
The resource annotation has three attributes:
defines the resource type.
defines if this resource should be unique for each instance of the Java class (Scope.INSTANCE
) or shared between different instances and classes (Scope.CONTEXT
). For CONTEXT scope the sharing is confined to the defining NSO package, i.e., a resource cannot be shared between NSO packages.
is an optional string to identify the resource as a unique resource. All instances that share the same context-scoped resource need to have the same qualifier. If the qualifier is not given it defaults to the value DEFAULT
i.e., shared between all instances that have the DEFAULT
When the NSO Java VM starts it will receive component classes to load from NSO. Note, that the component classes are the classes that are referred to in the package-meta-data.xml
file. For each component class, the Resource Manager will scan for annotations and inject resources as specified.
However, the package jars can contain lots of classes in addition to the component classes. These will be loaded at runtime and will be unknown by the NSO Java VM and therefore not handled automatically by the Resource Manager. These classes can also use resource injection but need a specific call to the Resource Manager for the mechanism to take effect. Before the resources are used for the first time the resource should be used, a call of ResourceManager.registerResources(...)
will force the injection of the resources. If the same class is registered several times the Resource manager will detect this and avoid multiple resource injections.
The AlarmSourceCentral
and AlarmSinkCentral
, which is part of the NSO Alarm API, can be used to simplify reading and writing alarms. The NSO Java VM will start these centrals at initialization. User implementations can therefore expect this to be set up without having to handle the start and stop of either the AlarmSinkCentral
or the AlarmSourceCentral
. For more information on the alarm API, see Alarm Manager.
As stated above the NSO Java VM is executed in a thread implemented by the NcsMain
. This implies that somewhere a java main()
must be implemented that launches this thread. For NSO this is provided by the NcsJVMLauncher
class. In addition to this, there is a script named ncs-start-java-vm
that starts Java with the NcsJVMLauncher.main()
. This is the recommended way of launching the NSO Java VM and how it is set up in a default installation. If there is a need to run the NSO Java VM as an embedded thread inside another program. This can be done simply by instantiating the class NcsMain
and starting this instance in a new thread.
However, with the embedding of the NSO Java VM comes the responsibility to manage the life cycle of the NSO Java VM thread. This thread cannot be started before NSO has started and is running or else the NSO Java VM control socket connection will fail. Also, running NSO without the NSO Java VM being launched will render runtime errors as soon as NSO needs NSO Java VM functionality.
NSO has extensive logging functionality. Log settings are typically very different for a production system compared to a development system. Furthermore, the logging of the NSO daemon and the NSO Java VM is controlled by different mechanisms. During development, we typically want to turn on the developer-log
. The sample ncs.conf
that comes with the NSO release has log settings suitable for development, while the ncs.conf
created by a System Install are suitable for production deployment.
The NSO Java VM uses Log4j for logging and will read its default log settings from a provided log4j2.xml
file in the ncs.jar
. Following that, NSO itself has java-vm
log settings that are directly controllable from the NSO CLI. We can do:
This will dynamically reconfigure the log level for package com.tailf.maapi
to be at the level trace
. Where the Java logs end up is controlled by the log4j2.xml
file. By default, the NSO Java VM writes to stdout. If the NSO Java VM is started by NSO, as controlled by the ncs.conf
parameter /java-vm/auto-start
, NSO will pick up the stdout of the service manager and write it to:
(The details
pipe command also displays default values)
The section /ncs-config/api
in ncs.conf
contains a number of very important timeouts. See $NCS_DIR/src/ncs/ncs_config/tailf-ncs-config.yang
and ncs.conf(5) in Manual Pages for details.
controls how long NSO will wait for the NSO Java VM to respond to a new session.
controls how long NSO will wait for the NSO Java VM to respond to a request to get data.
controls how long NSO will wait for the NSO Java VM to initialize a DP connection after the initial socket connect.
controls how long NSO will wait for the NSO Java VM to respond to an action request callback.
For new-session-timeout
, query-timeout
, and connect-timeout
, whenever any of these timeouts trigger, NSO will close the sockets from NSO to the NSO Java VM. The NSO Java VM will detect the socket close and exit.
For action-timeout
, whenever this timeout triggers, NSO will close only the sockets from NSO Java VM to the clients without exiting the Java VM.
If NSO is configured to start (and restart) the NSO Java VM, the NSO Java VM will be automatically restarted. If the NSO Java VM is started by some external entity, if it runs within an application server, it is up to that entity to restart the NSO Java VM.
When using the auto-start
feature (the default), NSO will start the NSO Java VM (as outlined in the start of this section), there are a number of different settings in the java-vm
YANG model (see $NCS_DIR/src/ncs/yang/tailf-ncs-java-vm.yang
) that controls what happens when something goes wrong during the startup.
The two timeout configurations connect-time
and initialization-time
are most relevant during startup. If the Java VM fails during the initial stages (during INIT_JVM
) either because of a timeout or because of a crash, NSO will log The NCS Java VM synchronization failed
in ncs.log
The synchronization error message in the log will also have a hint as to what happened:
usually means that the Java VM crashed (and closed the socket connected to NSO)
means that it failed to start (or respond) within the time limit. For example, if the Java VM runs out of memory and crashes, this will be logged as closed
After logging, NSO will take action based on the synchronization-timeout-action
: NSO will log the failure, and if auto-restart
is set to true NSO will try to restart the Java VM
(default): NSO will log the failure, and if the Java VM has not stopped already NSO will also try to stop it. No restart action is taken.
: NSO will log the failure, and then stop NSO itself.
If you have problems with the Java VM crashing during startup, a common pitfall is running out of memory (either total memory on the machine, or heap in the JVM). If you have a lot of Java code (or a loaded system) perhaps the Java VM did not start in time. Try to determine the root cause, check ncs.log and ncs-java-vm.log
, and if needed increase the timeout.
For complex problems, for example with the class loader, try logging the internals of the startup:
Setting this will result in a lot more detailed information in ncs-java-vm.log
during startup.
When the auto-restart
setting is true
(the default), it means that NSO will try to restart the Java VM when it fails (at any point in time, not just during startup). NSO will at most try three restarts within 30 seconds, i.e., if the Java VM crashes more than three times within 30 seconds NSO gives up. You can check the status of the Java VM using the java-vm
YANG model. For example in the CLI:
The start-status
can have the following values:
: Autostart is not enabled.
: The Java VM has been stopped or is not yet started.
: The Java VM has been started. See the leaf 'status' to check the status of the Java application code.
: The Java VM has been terminated. If auto-restart
is enabled, the Java VM restart has been disabled due to too frequent restarts.
The status
can have the following values:
: The Java application code is not connected to NSO.
: The Java application code is connected to NSO, but not yet initialized.
: The Java application code is connected and initialized.
: The Java application connected to NSO, but failed to initialize within the stipulated timeout 'initialization-time'.